The Services to Youth Facet

Services to Youth focuses on the activities of young people as they relate to educational, cultural, or health connected issues.
The facet works with students from Boys and Girls High School in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York. Our goal is to raise their aspirations, increase their exposure to cultural activities, enhance their knowledge of finance, health issues, and diverse career paths, political awareness and provide college information.
Some of the highlights have been:
– College tours
– Career forums
– College information seminars and essay writing
– Domestic violence workshops
– Managing finances
– Broadway and off-Broadway plays
– Understanding the criminal justice system
Trips to N.Y. State Supreme Court
– Critical thinking & decision making workshops
HIV-AIDS and Police encounters
– A “Town Hall” style forum with local officials
– Celebrating Kwanzaa and the application of the principles to everyday living